New Function: Add Delivery Time
Thank you support Burvogue for long time.And we are always appreciate with it.
In order to more convenient customer shopping, we will launch a new function that you have a better understanding of each product delivery time.
Our delivery time of icon has four colors, green, yellow, black and grey. The icon of each color represents a different delivery time and
the delivery time of iron contains numbers that represent the products of the delivery time, as shown:.
1. If the delivery time of icon is green, we can deliver within three days after receiving your order.
2. If the delivery time of icon is yellow, the iron is 4 or 5,then the goods will be shipped out after 4 or 5 days.
3. If the delivery time of icon is grey, the goods will be deliver more than 5 days.
4.If the delivery time of icon is black and inside question mark, the goods is out of stock.
5.If your order delivery days including the above three icon(red icon,yellow icon,grey icon),that means your goods will be
shipped out more than 5 days.
Attention please, the delivery time is after starting the calculation of payment,the shipping company not ship out goods on
weekend. delivery time is only a reference,the exact delivery time, please confirm with our sales. Thanks.
Burvogue wish you a happy shopping!
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